Greytower Technologies

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Last update Friday, 17th of November, 2006, 20:04 (CET)

This document applies to 1.0a2 and later.

System Configuration

Block Name Type Default Legal
state varName string state -
state onSuccess string success -
state onCancel string cancel -
state onError string error -
uri onCancel string - -
uri onError string - -
uri onSuccess string - -
- returnMethod string session session, post, get
- templatePath string /tmp -


state {
 varName     : state
 onSuccess   : success
 onError     : error
 onCancel    : cancel

uri {
 onError     :
 onCancel    :
 onSuccess   :

returnMethod : session

Application Configuration

Block Name Type Default Legal
state varName string state -

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