Release of siteSifter 2.10 (p23)
Content last updated 2th of March, 2011
Release of siteSifter 2.10 (p23)
This week’s release of siteSifter is a minor maintenance version. It contains only small changes from a user perspective. These release notes cover both version 2.10p22 and 2.10p23, however.
Among the changes are:
- Improved Project Editor. It is now easier for advanced and expert users to specify exactly how many documents of which type to be mirrored.
- It is also easier to specify that a project should be used as a template in the quick–sift bar.
- Project lists can be sorted on title; extended reports can be filtered by date and deleted.
A number of UX improvements have been made:
- More space is added between checkboxes and labels.
- Form controls have a very visual outline on focus, even when using keyboard navigation.
- Duplicate navigation links has been removed, and list styles made consistent across the application.
- More links are added between important functions and related sections of the user manual.
Our work has, for various reasons, become delayed. We will be back with more functionality–improvements on the 9th of March.
About Greytower
Greytower Technologies is a Swedish–based company with a UK presence, specialising in system development and automated quality auditing on and for the World Wide Web. We perform single and multiple site audits using a number of different tests suites, including accessibility guidelines.
Greytower has been registered with the Swedish Tax Office since 2002.
siteSifter and siteSifter Journal © 2002 — 2011 Greytower Technologies; all rights reserved.
About siteSifter
siteSifter is a web–based quality and accessibility testing system, complete with project management and workflow features. Monthly subscriptions are offered by Greytower Technologies.
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